Monday, April 18, 2011

"10-der thoughts on mothering"

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1. Love starts at home.
    Though it may sound cliche, home is truly where the heart is.  Love may be expressed in thoughts, words,  hugs and kisses, tears, laughter and food.

2. When we're madly in love, parenting gets less maddening.
    A loving partnership with our spouse makes parenting so much easier. Moreover, our love for one another definitely overflows to our children. Preserving our marital mantle matters to them.

3. Every child's got talent!
    Discover, hone and maximize their gifts. Empower them by encouragement. Teach them. Learn with them. Help them pursue their purposes.

4. Availability is measured in quantity and quality.
    Counting the hours we spend with our children counts a lot. And remember, physical presence doesn't count when we're mentally absent.

5. Dare to discipline.
    Our most challenging role. Our children need to understand the authority God gave us as parents,being stewards of the lives He blessed us with. Let go of discipline and let a soul spoil.

6. The best way to a child's heart is during playtime.
    Playtime produces friendship. Be it 1-2-3 Pass, monopoly, hopscotch, DS interactive one-on-one or peek-a-boo.  Best bonding memories happen here.

7. It shouldn't be hard to say "I'm sorry".
    When we humble ourselves, we teach them to be humble, too. When we displease or hurt our children, we end up hurting ourselves more. Saying sorry is the antidote to a hurting heart.

8. Catch them doing right.
    Not only when they're wrong. Compliments complement the well-roundedness of their character. Praise fertilizes their hearts and motivates them to do even better.

9. Pray for them and with them.
    It never fails. From a simple toothache to miserable measles, God gets going when we go to Him.  Blessing them daily, too, assures them of our genuine love and care.

10. Don't forget your "me time".
      De-stressing  revitalizes our mind and body. Get some quiet time. Grab a book. Dine with your spouse. Go out with a friend. Run off to a spa. Join a missions trip. Don't feel guilty when you need to pause and catch your breath.           

By the time I reached #10, I knew the list could go on and on. So you may consider this as just the first of a series...       

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