Wednesday, December 15, 2010

no ordinary day

Definitely not.

James 1:17 says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above." I thank God, that today, my perfect gift from above is celebrating another "new year". From my quivering heart, thank you.....
       --- for the ten or more precious songs you've exclusively written and sung for me. They never fail to make me cry. These masterpieces are like your soul, my dear mate. Not to mention the ten lullabies you've pulled out for our children as well. They never fail, indeed. :)
       --- that ours is a happy home. That's because you're a happy husband and a happy dad. You fill our hearts with laughter, guffaws, giggles, chuckles... just by being you. Yet when things go rough, you're there to carry me through, walking the extra mile so we can go the distance. Though sometimes left unspoken, your care and concern are always appreciated.
      --- I cannot forget the innumerable, colorful blooms of roses, liliums, tulips, daisies, and what have you varieties that graced my hands on special days and any day you feel like it. And yes, the petals you scattered on my steps leading to you know where. You make me feel like a queen.
      --- You are an epitome of love. Pardon the cliche. Yours is a love that's vividly expressed in words and action. One that overflows outwardly. One that  overlooks offenses. Something that's securely selfless.

I love you so much. May you soar higher with your faith. May the vision God impressed upon your heart come to pass in due time.

Monday, December 13, 2010

just got started

Quiverblessed is how my Maker simply wired me. A woman who’s tummy had been filled and tremor-ized ten times over. :)  Truly living a challenging, sweet life of motherhood.  24/7 mommy-hood work in progress. Continuously rearing the breaths entrusted by God in the meantime. Domini, Justine, David, Raffa, Keziah, Johana, Fides, Carita, Isaiah, and Keren. Terribly tougher ten times over. But also blessed ten times more. Treasures from my tummy no glittery gold can ever match